New performance lights from world giant Osram


High-tech company Osram has developed new performance lamps for safe driving in the automotive lighting industry with the slogan "Advanced Driving". The extraordinary brightness and compact design of the new series Xenarc Night Breaker Laser offer unique and reliable solutions.

Osram's new performance lights include night vision from the standout Night Breaker Silver, the Xenarc Night Breaker Laser and the technically upgraded Night Breaker Laser providing up to 200 per cent more brightness. Xenarc Night Breaker Laser lamps produce a huge amount of light to improve visibility and help drivers see danger earlier.

New era in car headlightsOsram, the Xenarc Night Breaker Laser lamps it offers to the automotive industry increase the performance limit in terms of light intensity and color of light.

These high-output lamps perform above average, allowing drivers to see the road more clearly. This makes it easier for drivers to spot dangerous situations, obstacles, and other vehicles using the road.

The new standardXenarc Night Breaker Laser stands out as the highest performance lamp in Osram's range.

In particular, the Xenarc Night Breaker Laser helps make car journeys more comfortable, with performance that exceeds the legally set minimum brightness by 200 percent. It makes its difference not only by drivers who are aware of safety, but also by older drivers and sports car drivers who have difficulty with vision. Xenarc Night Breaker Laser light whiteness is increased by 20 percent and the light beam can extend up to 250 meters, allowing drivers to react more quickly to dangerous situations.

Osram's brightest and longest-lasting halogen lampsOsram is leading the industry as the first company to use the innovative technique called "laser coating removal" in the production of Night Breaker Laser.

The technology provides a beam of light up to 150 meters and features a laser-carved product name. The Night Breaker Laser H1 also offers H3, H4, H7, H8, H11, HB3 and HB4 versions, providing 150 percent more brightness than the legally set brightness lower limit. Night Breaker Silver, the series' perfect night vision lamp, illuminates the road up to 100 percent more with an above-average lifespan. It provides better visibility with a beam of light reaching a range of up to 130 meters. Night Breaker Silver H1, H4, H7 and H11 versions are also preferred in the automotive sector.

With over 110 years of experience, Osram, one of the world's leading high-tech companies, improves the quality of life of individuals and societies by using the endless possibilities offered by light. It uses its products in a wide range of applications, from virtual reality to autonomous driving, from smartphones to smart lighting solutions in buildings or cities. It stands out as the choice of giant brands especially with the products it offers to the automotive sector.


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