The work of the Ministry of Foreign Trade on the protection of domestic producers and citizens has started to yield results.
TAREKS is a web-based application that allows import and export inspections to be carried out on a risk-based basis in electronic environment in order to protect our consumers and producers in terms of safety, compliance with technical legislation and standards and quality.
As is known, both our producers are not subjected to unfair competition of poor quality/unsafe imported products and the imported products are subjected to product safety inspections during the import phase by the General Directorate of Product Safety and Inspection according to the degree of risk, ensuring that the safety of our citizens' lives and property is protected. At the end of these audits carried out through TAREKS, which is the Risk Based Control System in Foreign Trade, products found to be inappropriate/unsafe are destroyed, sent back to the country of origin or allowed to be transferred to this country if they are accepting country.
Within this framework, in 2018, 1.6 billion products from 5.5 billion products ranging from machines, electrical devices, toys to mobile phones, medical devices to bulbs, rebar to shoes were placed under product safety control within the scope of risk analysis, and approximately 18 million products were deemed unsafe and not allowed to be imported at the end of the audit. The main products found to be inappropriate are listed below.
– 3.6 Million toys
– 3.4 Million bulbs
– 2.3 Million work gloves
– 1.2 Million syringes,
– 1 Million 350 Thousand adapters/power supply/chargers
– Hear 800 Thousand, (779 Thousand)
– 360 Thousand lighting devices (fixture, LED, chandelier, lampshade…)
– 350 Thousand serum sets (356 thousand)
– 230 thousand pairs of shoes
– 200 Thousand plugs and sockets, (193 Thousand)
– 220 Thousand (218 Thousand) breathing masks
– 160 Thousand Hair cutting and shaving machine
– 160 Thousand flashlights (159 Thousand)
– 140 Thousand syringe needles (
– 72 Thousand air or oil filters
– 56 Thousand bearings
– 46 Thousand sets of surgical threads
– 2 thousand tons of rebar