EDDA Architecture was awarded a finalist in the "Interior Architecture" category at the 2A Asia Architecture Awards with its Halaman Printing Management Office project, in which it integrated institutionalism and dynamism in its design. The category winners of the competition, organised by international architecture publication 2A Architecture & Art Magazine, will be announced at a ceremony in Berlin on October 20th.
Halaman Printing Management Office, designed by EDDA Architecture under the leadership of Interior Designer Eda Tahmaz in Esenyurt, Istanbul, was a finalist in the "Interior Architecture" category at the 2A Asia Architecture Awards. EDDA Architecture design Halaman Printing Management Office, organized by 2A Architecture & Art Magazine , stood out among the 457 applicant projects and reached the final. The winners of the competition, where successful architectural and interior design projects are evaluated in a regional and continental sense, and designs with universal architectural values and culture-specific qualities are among the winners, will be announced at the award ceremony in Berlin on October 20, 2017 .
Halaman Printing Management Office designed by EDDA Architecture, which considers user preferences as one of the most important criteria in its projects, diverges from ordinary management offices with transparent and fluid space organization. In Halaman Printing Office, EDDA Architecture, which designs an office environment that emphasizes the corporate identity of the company, integrates with technology and maximizes user communication, has created skylight roof windows in steel roof construction to make maximum use of natural light, creating a spacious look by adding more daylight to the space both in circulation areas and in cafes and workplaces. All departments are designed with a transparent and fluid style that reflects the brand's contemporary working culture, while office needs and user demands are taken into account. While different work units for the function are created in each department, personalized cabinet systems have been added for all working personnel. The work, meeting, training and seminar areas of the departments are integrated with social areas to help employees get away from the intensity and stress of business life.
The board meeting room is handled in circular form and the departments are handled in different forms. In this context, these different forms are reflected on the ceilings and furniture, further highlighting the three dimension effects within the space itself. In addition, a meeting room, training-seminar room, café and relaxation area were placed between the departments that are located parallel to the two circulation flows created by daylight in the space, and a direct relationship between the office areas and these areas was established.
The materials used for staff and managers who spend most of the day in the office are selected from natural materials. Marmolium used as flooring and oak and marble used in furniture are also raw and natural materials.
While diversity is created between departments with color differences used in common areas and reflecting the working culture of the brand, fun colors, hot materials and interior landscaping that will keep the working team dynamic within the busy work pace and the current brand identity of the institution are brought together with both the space and the users with a lean design.