"We support TSE audits for a more efficient world"


Eran Görgen, Managing Director of Philips Lighting Turkey, said: "We support TSE audits for a more efficient world."

Philips Lighting Turkey General Manager Eran Görgen recently commented on the circulars issued within the scope of product safety and inspection and the practices related to TSE inspections in customs.

Eran Görgen stated that Philips Lighting, which imports high-quality light bulbs and fixtures in Turkey as well as all over the world, is proud to offer safe and high quality products to the Turkish market. Especially with the widespread use of LED bulbs, we regretfully saw that these poor quality products are more present in the Turkish market. We're not the only ones who saw it; In a circular issued in July 2017, our Ministry of Economy significantly increased inspections and controls on imports, especially in products originating from the Far East, through TSE. As Philips Lighting, we consider this development very positive, although there is congestion and density in the initial stage of product imports. We believe that strict control over both locally produced and imported products will benefit companies that offer quality and reliable products to the market and consumers in Turkey in the long term. At this point, TSE also has a very big task."

Görgen underlined that Philips Lighting is ready to do whatever task they have to do due to its industry leadership, adding: "All brands that import must bring the right product and offer it to the consumer at the optimum price. However, the presence of products in the market that do not comply with the country and consumer dynamics, that can threaten eye health and that the consumer cannot get inefficient in return for the money spent threatens both our economy and our health."

Philips Lighting has been present in the Turkish market for 87 years of its 126-year history. Eran Görgen underlines that they have always believed and trusted turkey's potential since the early years of the Republic and will continue to work with great diligence and dedication to make Turkey properly enlightened. Eran Görgen, T.C. He argues that as long as the healing practices put in place by the Ministry of Economy increase, the share of lighting on overall electricity consumption will decrease, and a more efficient, more efficient, sustainable and healthier world is not far away.


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