OXIRON Lighting Continues to Grow With New Investments


Oxiron Lighting carried its production to its new factory building of 10,000 m2 in Corlu. Oxiron, which continues to grow with its expanding technical and marketing staff in addition to SMD Typesetting machines, testers and machinery investments, is also successfully making a name for itself with its products in important projects in international markets at home and abroad." We talked to Cem Found about the company and the sector.

Can you briefly tell us about Oxiron Lighting?

As OXIRON, which has been serving in Lighting Industry in Turkey since 2015, we provide services in production, assembly and marketing by producing in our central Istanbul office and our new 10,000 m2 factory building in Çorlu. OXIRON, which has been the address of trust in the sector since its inception, is moving confidently towards its leadership goal by improving itself and its activities in many fields, especially management, production and marketing, in our rapidly advancing and changing world.

In light of the developing technology with the R&D department preparing the infrastructure of all innovation studies required by our age, we are a lighting company that constantly updates and expands our LED lighting product portfolio.

You've had new structures and investments, can you tell us about these changes?

OxIRON Lighting, which was founded in 2015, has achieved many principles with its innovative, investigative and progressive structure since its establishment. OXIRON doubled its capacity with its 10,000 m2 new factory investment in Corlu Organized Industrial Zone in order to respond more easily to the expanding market and increasing demands.

Our new factory building has a large usage area of 10,000 thousand square meters. With the investments made in the machine park, we have increased our current capacity by 100 percent. Our new factory building was physically built according to 300 percent capacity increase and we aim to produce using these investments made every day at full capacity.

Can you tell us about your MachineRy Investments?

We have accelerated investments in technological equipment. The products we produce are indispensable in modern life and require special sensitivity about safety. We attach importance to automation investments in production in order to achieve standards in quality and safety.

Our only goal in automation investments is not to reduce costs, but to maintain and improve our quality standard. There is a misconception that automation investments are only aimed at reducing costs. Our first priority is not the cost calculation, but we continue our investments to improve our quality.

With the investments made, we aim to offer high quality products and confidence to our expanding market at home and abroad. At the same time, we want to take firm steps towards increasing our production capacity.

What are your product and product groups?

It has been our priority to produce products that meet the expectations of our customers, where the lighting technique is implemented in the most reliable way, and which emphasize user-friendly, safe, environmentally sensitive and energy saving as a design while developing and producing environmentally friendly, quality lighting products.

We take care to project the most suitable products in the most accurate way with the right project work in all institutions and special projects in our country. In this context, our products; We can group it as Indoor, Outdoor, Industrial and Emergency products.

We produce all kinds of lighting products that will be needed for indoor and outdoor lighting in our factory, i.e. health facilities, industrial facilities, store, office and management buildings, education and dormitory buildings park garden and road lighting, etc.

Can you tell us about your domestic marketing activities?

Aiming to be closer to its customers at home and abroad and to provide faster service, OXIRON has further expanded its service network with more than a hundred dealers and specialist sales teams throughout the country. We provide the best service to our customers all over Turkey with our teams working in different provinces.

I would say that the region where we are most active abroad is the Middle East countries. Since 2017, we have participated in many important fairs in our field, whether at home and abroad. International events such as Dubai, Frankfurt, etc. are the leading exhibitions.

We see oxiron signature in Important Projects with Brand Value. Can you tell us where your company is coming from?

Let me put it this way. As a team, we are a company that can see the results of LED products when producing and designing (R&D), and knows how to sell them well when selling them. We have a team with a lot of technical know-how. We build the sales strategy on this knowledge. When you make the right product presentation quickly with the right information to the customer in front of you, you see oxiron signature in very important projects such as the title in your question.

We have adopted the principle of rigorously testing our products in everything from R&D to production and packaging phase and delivering them to our customers without problems.

We have become a preferred brand with expert and experienced team within our company. If I have to sample all these, I would like to mention below some of the ongoing and completed projects;

Some of our brand value projects that are still being implemented by our teams;

  • Antalya Provincial Police Department (Within the Scope of The Reference Project of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization)
  • All internal and external lighting of the Supreme Electoral Council
  • Malatya State Hospital
  • Şile Coastline Arrangement Project
  • YDA Center
  • Arnavutköy Government House
  • Beykent University
  • Yildiz Technical University
  • Çapa Faculty of Medicine
  • Next Level Project (Ankara Çayyol)

Our projects, which we have recently successfully completed and are in use,

  • New Door Fishermen's Bazaar
  • İsPARK Projects
  • Madame Coco Stores
  • Toyz Shop Stores
  • General Directorate of ISKI
  • D&R Stores
  • 4 Hospitals belonging to Medicana
  • Erzurum Convention Center
  • Cinar College
  • IBB's Sports Complex (Hunters, Hamza Yerlikaya, etc.)
  • A Home Stores
  • IGS Stores
  • Hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health
  • Institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Justice
  • Credit Dormitories Institution Buildings
  • Public Buildings of the Ministry of National Defense

What are your thoughts about our country's lighting industry?

In our country, the lighting sector is one of the most dynamic sectors that is growing rapidly with the construction sector. In parallel with the technological developments in the world, it has recorded significant growth and development in our country in recent years by updating its technological infrastructure.Accordingly, the dynamics and players of the sector are changing and increasing rapidly. With this change, companies that can keep up with the fast pace and time are successful.

According to the results of the research obtained, the world lighting market volume is 150 times the size of our country. Turkish lighting manufacturers produce in high capacity facilities and high quality standards. Products produced and labeled in our country are successfully used in many countries around the world.

The biggest problem we have with the sector is; quality. More than 50% of the imports of lighting products are from China. I don't want to say that every product imported from China is poor quality, but unfortunately for our country, this is the case.Within the framework of the customs union, it is forbidden to import products that do not meet CE requirements to our country, that is, that do not comply with the standards. Unfortunately, these poor quality and non-standard products pass through our customs in some way.

Another problem is that lighting companies cannot adapt the right product to the right environments with professional design when designing products. On behalf of our industry and for the future of the lighting industry, I think that in order to prevent poor quality product and information pollution, TSE has a duty to replicate the accredited laboratory as soon as possible.

How was the currency fluctuation reflected in the lighting sector in 2018? What are your observations on this subject? Did it create an advantage for the domestic manufacturer?

As an industry, we are going through a difficult time. This currency fluctuation in our country seems to have hit the construction sector in particular.As a lighting manufacturer, I find this contraction in the domestic market very important to act by making the right moves and making quick decisions.

What were your priorities for your plans and goals for 2018?

In general, 2018 has been a year in which our brand strengthens its professional team in the sector, increases its production capacity by moving to the new factory building and its growth progresses with certain steps. Our primary goal is not to move forward very aggressively and add new jobs to our portfolio. To do our existing work correctly, properly, quality, fast, on time and in the way we promised our customer. And it has been to focus on export-enabled projects that we believe add value to our brand.


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