TLS TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS INC. WITH THE APPROVAL OF OUR MINISTRY OF DESIGN CENTER INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, WE continue our activities not only in the lighting sector but also in the electronics, traffic, optics, automotive, lighting automation, vertical agriculture and medical sectors with our extensive technical staff consisting of our electrical, mechanical, optical designer engineers and technicians.

In our design, project and test activities in our ministry approved design center, we are waiting for you to develop the projects of our valued customers, to make productionable designs suitable for mass production in accordance with global standards and to prepare them for mass production, to design projects and products that can compete with your global competitors by taking the relevant type tests of the project output product in our own structure or in accredited organizations.

Can you briefly provide information about TLS Technology.

I would like to answer the question by introducing our TD Elektronik company before our TLS Technology company, where our design center is registered.

TD Elektronik INC was established in 2008 to distribute LED light source lighting components.In a short time, it has gained the status of market leader and leading company by bringing new technologies in the field of lighting to our country. As of today, TD Elektronik A.Ş. continues to provide services in the awareness of maintaining its product range as a leading company in the field of LED Lighting, Wireless Communication Systems, PCB Design and Supply, LED based advertising solutions.

In 2012, it established TD Lighting Solutions- TLS Technology Systems in order to provide faster, reliable and quality intermediate solutions in increasing LED-based lighting needs. Our company, which has been carrying out design and production activities since then, carries out domestic and international projects every year and continues its way by increasing the quality and quantity of personnel in parallel with the growth of the sector. TlS technology was established in our design center where design and production is carried out.In order to increase customer satisfaction, since 2015, we have been implementing a total quality management system to follow all processes ranging from production to after sales according to ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard. At the same time, we have iso14001:2015 environmental management system certificate since 2015 in order to fulfill our responsibility to the environment, air and nature in production and products and to manage our activities in this field in a registered manner.

Can you tell us about your design center.

We carry out design activities in an area of 350 square meters within our 6250 square meter factory located in Esenyurt/Akçaburgaz neighborhood where our TD and TLS companies are located. As of July, our "Design Center" has been registered with our large technical staff of 15 people, including seven different electronic engineers, a Physics engineer, a machine technician and 5 different electronic technicians, and our domestic and international projects submitted to the ministry. In our design center, we welcome our customers to provide services to projects in the electronics, lighting, optical, traffic, building automation, vertical agriculture, medical and automotive auxiliary light and headlight sectors.

Can you tell us about the services you perform in your design center.

Our TD Elektronik and TLS Technology companies are established to provide focus services to the lighting sector. However, since we operate in the electronics sector and most of our engineers are electronically oriented, we are able to serve all sectors where electronic circuitry is located. Starting with the analysis and budget analysis they want with the understanding of productionable design in each project, we try to realize fast, reliable and trouble-free designs based on engineering approach, analysis and past experience at every stage from thinking to the final product. We carry out the necessary activities for smooth production by pre-mass production and evaluating the results, examining the causes and effects of errors if any. After this stage, the necessary information and documents are prepared and transferred to mass production. With our ministry approved design center, I would like to explain our service items in separate headings in order to reach customers from all walks of life;

Print Circuit Design

We can design printing circuit boards for all kinds of applications in line with the demands of our customers. With an average of 250 different print circuit designs per year, from a simple LED circuit board to processor print circuit boards, we primarily provide project-based services to the Lighting Sector, Traffic Signaling Sector, Automotive Sector and other sectors in demand. Our customers can only receive package service in the form of design, supply of print circuit board or turnkey project if they wish.


Electronic Circuit Design

In our electronic design unit, which we started with DC-DC feed cards, fixed current drive cards, led module designs with direct city network (220V AC) to meet the needs of our project-based customers, we serve up to the lighting, traffic, solar energy products, small household appliances, automotive and medical sectors with the confidence of both our large and experienced technical staff and our now design center.

Our designs, which go through the conceptual design, design, prototype and unit integration tests process on our way with the idea of reproducible and competitive design, are presented to our customers by prioritizing compliance with the standard of the relevant sector and compliance with mass production.

Optical Design

With our technical staff who are experts in physical engineering and mechanics, we are able to design optical lenses in application. With our industry-accepted software infrastructure, production and measurement capability, we carry out all activities within our own factory, from thought to design, design to production. It is available in an optical measurement laboratory where we can make optical measurements and comparisons from our design center and make measurements of the LM-79-08 standard.


LED Fixture Design

As one of the leading semi-finished suppliers in the industry for 12 years, we know the industry requirements and standards extremely well. LED light-sourced fixture standard TS EN 60598, environmental conditions resistance TS EN 60529, We follow the standard TS EN 62031, the standard that drivers must meet, TS EN 61347, TS EN 61000-4-4 to 11, TS EN 55015, TS EN 61547 and design our projects accordingly. By using our past knowledge and closely following industry trends, we develop future-oriented, energy-efficient, price-advantaged, export-oriented fixtures and projects that can compete globally with each component.


Project Activities

Our companies operating in the lighting sector are generally focused on the production, design and sale of LED fixtures. When we look at the large majority, they usually make the technical engineering requirements of the projects in the form of service acquisition. On the automation side, there are not many companies you can go to. Automation-oriented companies do not know the needs of the lighting sector as we do and do not focus on the needs of the sector.

Projecting and product placement using programs such as Dialux for factories and buildings, Relux for tunnel and underpass applications, Autocad to use the electrical infrastructure of products, and ETS for KNX building automation infrastructure and programming, starting with computer simulations on automation and lighting applications to fill this gap in the sector thanks to the past experience of our engineers in our team and qualified projects we have carried out with our customers we are able to provide the service. In addition, we are able to provide professional field support within the scope of supervisory service in DALI, DMX and KNX applications.

Test and Analysis Activities

Led luminaire performance tests such as light flux (Lm), color temperature (CCT), color return index (CRI), power(W), power factor (PF), total harmonic distortion (THD), photometric vibration (Flicker) according to LM 79-08 stamdard with our extensive laboratory facilities and expert technicians, We carry out EN60598 tests, Optical comparison and Light output ratio (LOR) calculations and tests, diffuser-related tests. Again, by performing thermal tests in our -25/+80 air conditioning cabinet in our aging laboratory, we create and submit reports on heat dissipation with the product life foresplay related to LED light-induced fixtures according to LM-82-12.

We also report open points to development by referring to standards by providing information about design improvements and type tests in order for products to pass the test before certifications such as TSE, ENEC, etc.

Mr. Mesut, can we recognize you?

I was born in Ankara in 1982. I graduated from Erciyes Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2005. Since 2007, I have worked in product and production development, project, design, research and development units in the lighting sector.I took part in dozens of projects, starting not only in R&D and design units, but also in project units to implementation in the field. Since 2011, I have been focusing on research, development and design. At the same time, I have been the manager of R&D projects such as Kosgeb, Tubitak and Eureka in multiple projects. In 2014, I joined TLS Technology & TD Elektronik as R&D and Application Manager. Since then, we have strengthened our R&D team to reach 15 people. As of July 2019, I continue our research, development and design activities without slowing down by obtaining our design registration and continue my career as Design Center Manager by developing domestic and international projects.



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