What is a Risk Based Control System (TAREKS) in Foreign Trade?
TAREKS is a web-based software that allows import and export inspections to be carried out on a risk basis in order to protect our consumer and manufacturer in terms of safety, quality and compliance with standards.
What is the Purpose of TAREKS?
It aims to carry out the audits applied in the export and import stages with a modern understanding by taking advantage of the possibilities of the latest technology in accordance with economic and trade conditions. Thus, it enables more timely, effective and efficient use of public resources and economic resources.
What Does TAREKS Change?
TAREKS changes the traditional concept of physical supervision of each party during the export and import phase. With the new application, according to the criteria set by the relevant public institutions, the risky ones from the import and exported products will be determined by TAREKS electronically and physical audits will focus on these products.
What Products Does It Cover?
TAREKS is primarily intended to cover industrial products such as personal protective equipment, toys, building materials, medical devices, radio and telecommunication terminal equipment, batteries and accumulators subjected to product safety inspection in imports, and agricultural products subjected to quality control in exports and imports. Product groups to be gradually covered by TAREKS will be determined by the Ministry of Economy with the legislation arrangements to be made with the Standardization Communiqués in Foreign Trade. These regulations will be published in the Official Gazette and will be notified to all relevant non-governmental organizations such as chambers of commerce and industry in a timely manner.