Schréder temporarily suspends production at factories in Europe


With COVID-19 officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, Schréder, like many brands around the world, has temporarily restricted its operations.

As a brand transition with 2,600 employees worldwide, it decided to suspend production in some countries.

Spain, France temporarily suspended production at its factories in Hungary and Portugal, especially due to the rapidly changing situation in Europe from March 19th. If nothing extraordinary happens, the Hungarian and Portuguese factories will resume production on April 5th.

Yesterday, with South Africa declaring a nationwide special situation, it also decided to stop production at its Olifantsfontein-based factory from March 27 to April 17, 2020.

Schréder's factories in China and Ukraine will continue to operate and produce.

"We are very committed to customer excellence now and in the future. Although production activities in these factories will be temporarily suspended, our teams continue their activities by continuing to carry out their work remotely (lighting works, ordering, research and development …) ."


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