Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your position in the company so that our readers get to know you well?
In 1993, I worked under the roof of a global brand for 3 years and started my career in lighting by moving to the lighting products side of the same brand in 1996. Between 1996 and 2019, I worked as a manager in different international brands operating in the field of lighting.
In 2019, I started my role at Panasonic Life Solutions Turkey. I am currently vice president of Panasonic Life Solutions Turkey. In addition to Turkey, I am responsible for the region covering Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. I have 25 years of expertise in lighting. When I examine the panasonic brand's product range and the projects it carries out, I would like to point out that I am proud and happy to be under the umbrella of such a large and powerful brand on a global scale. I believe that the experience of the Panasonic brand in lighting will shed light on the projects and achievements of our company in this context and will make very important contributions.

Have you made any changes as a new administration? Will there be changes to the business plans of your customers and partners in the coming period?
We have restructured our lighting business unit to provide our customers with safe, healthy, efficient lighting and a better life. Because I am excited to use my 25 years of experience in the lighting industry to achieve great success and I aim to carry out important projects for this purpose. In this context, we needed to build a strong team. In this direction, we have strengthened our staff with our talented and experienced friends, some of whom we worked with in previous periods.
As Panasonic Life Solutions Turkey, we aim to bring our innovative products and solutions that provide safety and energy efficiency to world markets and to offer a better and more comfortable 'life' with "human-oriented" approaches in our industrial facilities with the strongest production capacity in Europe, which is among the best in the sector.
We have dealers all over Turkey. More than 100 dealers and our products meet our customers at sales points. We have many years of friendships and business partnerships with our partners and we continue our successful journey with this advantage.

Our motto is;  Panasonic, which is considered one of the most valuable brands in the world with more than 100 years of experience, with the excitement of the first day,…
Our goal is to close this gap and be first in every field. Under the global umbrella of Panasonic Life Solutions, the market share of lighting products is 15%. With over a hundred years of strength of the Panasonic brand, my experience, team spirit and excitement, we will do much more successful work with our partners as well as my team.

Have you had any new products and new investments?
 Lighting has been one of the important product ranges in the Panasonic world. In the past period, we did not have lighting products under our own brand in Turkey. At this point, Panasonic decided to enter the market with its LED lamp portfolio. Last month, we launched our LED lighting products in three cities. We care about employment and investment, but we do not currently produce our LED lamps in Turkey in order to take a fast place in the market. We will enter the market with LED lamp. Afterwards, with fixtures and project sales, we will take part in all media of step-by-step lighting and engage in various activities.

We are confident that our brand will add significant value to the lighting industry with Panasonic branded LED lamps.

We are a company that does not compromise on quality and cares about the health and safety of the consumer. With Panasonic LED lamps, we aim to increase the quality in the market as a role model in this field.

What is the biggest feature that distinguishes new products from their existing ones? All ErP standards are changing in lighting, a period has begun when efficiency is at the forefront with the new regulation. With the new ErP and new productivity class definitions coming into force in the near future, new approaches and processes are being introduced in lighting products. The entire Panasonic LED lamp series is designed in accordance with the new ErP and new efficiency class regulations. Panasonic, which has gained new dimensions and provides safe lighting with brand new technologies, is now ready to illuminate this path to a safe future all over Turkey.

Panasonic is a well-known consumer brand.
We are a brand that customers prefer and are familiar with with with confidence. It is very important to produce products in Turkey… We have a plan to produce all our products in Turkey. Manufacturing is our business. Because we have all kinds of technologies, infrastructures, technical equipment and teams. As Panasonic Life Solutions Turkey, we will soon see "Made in Turkey" on our products. We continue to work in this direction.

Taking into account the growth and competition process in the field of lighting products in our country, where and how do you position your company, which has a global brand value, in the sector?
Panasonic is a well-established company with more than 100 years of history and has gained a reliable place in the world of young and old consumers. We will take our rightful place in the market not with a new search on behalf of our brand, but with a strong and effective role.

Your kitchen needs to be honest with a product you're introducing to the market. It is very important that the manufacturer is honest with consumers. If we say that our products are long-lasting and will illuminate the places for 15,000 hours as they did on the first day, the product should be providing this. In fact, the product should be planned more than promised when planning so that it provides the values given. We encounter products that have been 3,000 hours but have faded, changed color, have no cooling, are warming up and do not meet product promises. That's exactly what I mean when I say your kitchen needs to be honest.

The consumer must necessarily test when buying a brand lamp that he does not know about. Otherwise, it is possible that he will be disappointed when he goes home. Sometimes the values written on the packaging and the values of the product received may not match. Your eye health is very important, uncontrolled lamps can cause serious damage to our eyes.

Panasonic is a 100-year-old company, it can't get it wrong in any way.

It is a very important power that your product is of high quality… Unfamiliar, anonymous products are dangerous and can even pose risks such as fire in homes. We have companies in our sector that produce good intentions and quality goods, I would like to thank them. Industry representatives must be in touch in some way. The type of company I want to mention here; they are those who have no ties to the sector, disrupt the market, only think about making short-term money or see the product promising to make gains in the sector and import everything from toys, plastics, textiles to lamps in order to make price-oriented gains.

What would you like to say for the right product selection in a competitive environment?
I believe that the Panasonic LED lamp family will offer suitable solutions in all kinds of applications with different power and color temperatures. With Panasonic LED lamps with A+ and A++ energy class, energy saving will ensure efficient, comfortable and safe lighting, and our products will illuminate the spaces for 15,000 hours with high quality design and effective temperature management. Our goal will be to bring all our products and solutions together with our consumers under Panasonic quality and to carry out major reference projects together with our business partners in our lighting journey, which we will start with LED lamps. Accordingly, I can say that the real story in the lighting will begin now. We want to be in the market at a price that is in line with the reality of the market and in line with the purchasing power of the consumer in the price positioning of the product.
Our Panasonic dealers are very large, well-established and have a say in the industry. There has to be competition, as long as it meets a certain quality and standards. We are a brand that loves competition. Competition makes us energetic. Our most important principle is to offer products to our customers without compromising on quality. There's a lot of competition in the lamp. We will never give up our norms while we are involved in this competition. We continue our way without compromising product quality, without expecting high profits, with the most affordable price policy, by trusting ourselves and our brand, knowing that the consumer will prefer us and our products.  

"Let Panasonic Illuminate"
We say"Let Panasonic Illuminate". LED technology is an area where we can move quickly and we have a big market. Everyone in the industry and the market knows the Panasonic brand. Lighting products are a panasonic branded product group and our brand already has a say in this field in the world.

In 2020, the pandemic was declared in the world. What have the implications be for your company and the industry?
Even during the pandemic period, we increased our employment by around 5%. Overall, we've grown by 35%. We have strengthened our automation infrastructure by expanding it. The contribution of our institution to our country through production and investments is obvious. We work with dealers who know the needs of the market seriously and do not disrupt their services and distributions even in this pandemic environment.

A history dedicated to better lighting…
Panasonic illuminates the world's most outstanding projects. It is very important to illuminate historical sites. Lighting needs to be done without disturbing the texture of the exterior and highlighting that icon. If you illuminate it for lighting, you will damage the historical texture, even the colors in the patterns and the historical walls. For example, if you want to know what you're going to In the latest lighting of Prague Castle, Panasonic products have been successfully and with this awareness.

What would you like to say about your future goals for lighting?
Panasonic is always a pioneering company and smart lighting will be at the forefront in the near future. In smart cities, applications that are carried out with the information obtained by processing data from all objects make it easier for both the management of cities and people's lives. Although the integration of this technological revolution into human and urban life in an integrated structure seems to be an inevitable result in terms of economic competition, the planning approaches we see in many smart city examples in the world are actually shaped around the principle of "sustainability". In the field of smart lighting, for example, 30,000 conventional (old-fashioned) road lightings have been transformed into smart lighting with Panasonic products at once in Jakarta. Panasonic has successfully implemented the road lighting LED conversion project, which is also in Turkey's plan, in Jakarta (Indonesia). We are ready to take part in all aspects of turkey's transformation project. We have all kinds of facilities, infrastructure and production in Turkey.


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