Emre KARABEK – Embedded Software Engineer
Panasonic ECO Solutions Inc. ISTANBUL

In our country, where the total efficiency of the plants that have to import 62% of the energy needs and convert to electrical energy using fossil fuels is 30%, the importance of effective use of energy is clearly visible. Since 25% – 30% of total electrical energy consumption is used in the field of lighting, it also imposes a very important responsibility on us.

The issue of "energy saving", which has become important in meeting the high energy demand brought by urbanization and population growth, will contribute significantly not only to reducing energy expenditures, but also to reducing air pollution. Artificial lighting in buildings is [6,7]responsible for between 20% and 40% of the world's carbon emissions.

Considering that 1 kWh of lighting energy savings will reduce carbon gas emissions by approximately 2.33kg on an annual basis, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of daylight lighting energy to reasonable levels, especially in public buildings[8].

In some studies, it has been shown[2] that a daylight-connected lighting system that is continuously activated for 10 hours during the day in summer can save over 50% energy and the system that does not only have a motion sensor control system can achieve lighting energy savings at 20%.

Even at this rate, saving can result in a 5% to 6% reduction in electricity consumption at the country level, which, like many other areas, can be a significant benefit in terms of reducing our dependence on the outside in the field of energy to a certain extent.

In the years following the world energy crisis,

  • CIE (Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage ),
  • IES (The Illuminating Engineering Society of America),
  • IES (The Illuminating Engineering Society),
  • IEI (The Illuminating Eng. The Institute of Japan and other organizations have published design and implementation guidelines for saving lighting energy by using it [1,4]effectively. When these are examined, it is possible to draw close results in almost all of them.

Therefore, let's [3]consider the issue of minimizing the duration of use of the artificial lighting system from the recommendations for this purpose;

To do this, you must use the

  1. a) To use daylight to the maximum,
  2. b) To use automatic control systems.

The most important warning seen here but ignored for years is maximum daylight saving. Especially in integrated lighting systems, up to 35% energy savings can be achieved with daylight-sensitive control systems. In addition, up to 30% savings can[5] be achieved by automatically extinguishing time switches and motion sensors and lamps when not in use.

Although the light level is sufficient in many environments, lighting is activated unnecessarily due to hand habits. The lighting, which is activated during the dark hours of the morning, is not turned off with daylight. Lighting is activated during the transition in transition areas such as corridors, but remains on if not returned. For this and many other reasons, lighting is not really used in accordance with 100% need. From this input, motion and entity sensors are designed and began to take their place in daily life.

Panasonic Eco Solutions Inc. to commission and otherwise keep the lighting switched off, especially if there are people in the environment and the light level is not sufficient. He designed Turkey's first under-plaster wall type PIR motion sensor. The advantage of the product has provided a very practical solution to the user by removing the mechanical switch from the wall and replacing it with a motion sensor for places suitable for use in existing installations. In addition, the Sensor is ce certified and capable of undergoing all standardized tests.

the rest of the article is included in the pdf file below, SAVING ENERGY WITH THE COMPANY SENSOR


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