Eurasia Tunnel Also Awarded International Award for Lighting Design


Eurasia Tunnel, which provides fast, economical, safe and comfortable transportation between the two continents by connecting Asia and Europe for the first time with a two-storey road tunnel under the sea floor, received an award for its lighting designs. The U.S. Association of Lighting Engineers IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) awarded the "Architectural Lighting Award 2017" to the Eurasia Tunnel for its contributions to lighting designs.

Eurasia Tunnel, one of the most important mega pride projects in turkey's construction technology with its advanced technology and advanced engineering applications, continues to receive international awards in various fields. Finally, the Environmentally Sensitive Eurasia Tunnel Business and Maintenance Building and the Eurasia Tunnel, which received the "Leed Gold Certificate" awarded to sustainable energy and environmentally friendly structures around the world, added another one to the international awards.

IES Architectural Lighting Award 2017

Eurasia Tunnel toll booth structures designed by world-renowned architectural lighting company Skira and architectural lighting applications within the tunnel were awarded lighting design awards in the United States.The U.S. Association of Lighting Engineers IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) awarded the Eurasia Tunnel to the "Architectural Lighting Award 2017" for its contributions to lighting designs.

LED Lighting Technology Used

Various applications were made to improve driving comfort and improve road safety in the Eurasia Tunnel.

In addition to the LED road lighting used throughout the tunnel, special gradual LED technology was applied to allow users to easily adapt to the tunnel and daylight at entrances and exits. In addition, in the project where aesthetic elements are prioritized, driving comfort was increased with architectural LED lighting applied for the first time in Turkey, while a new icon was added to Istanbul.

The IES Architectural Lighting Award in the field of lighting is the 9th award given to the Eurasia Tunnel 2017 since its construction. It's an international award.


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